Accessories and light sources for FTIR and VISNIR units

Compact and stable light source

The ARCoptix ARCLIGHT-NIR & ARCLIGHT-MIR are versatile broadband lamps optimized for the VIS-NIR (400 – 4,000nm) or MIR (1-25μm) spectral ranges. The light sources used in the ArcLight lamps are the brightest available, ensuring the highest signal-to-noise ratio in your measurement. The lamps feature a high-end stabilized electronic power supply and a variable mechanical attenuator. They are supplied with a removable fiber coupler enabling free-space of fiber-coupled operation.


Spectral range 400-4,000 nm 1-25 μm
Spectral range 25,000-2,500 cm-1 10,000 - 400 cm-1
Temperature ~2,850 K ~1,550 K
Rated lifetime 4,000 h 10,000 h
Lamp power 20 W 20 W
Lamp type QTH (halogen) SiC globar
Removable fiber coupler

SMA-905 , NA = 0.25 , CaF2 lens

SMA-905 , NA = 0.3 , Off-axis parabolic mirror

Output beam diameter 12.7mm
Operational temperature range 5-40 °C
Attenuator Manual iris diaphragm
Cooling Forced air
Power requirement 12V
(100-240V AC to 12V DC converter included)
Dimensions 92mm x 92mm x 43mm (without fiber coupler)
140mm x 92mm x 43mm (with fiber coupler)
Weight 390 g

Output power spectral density

Note: the curves shown here are close approximations of the true output of the ARCLIGHT-NIR and ARCLIGHT-MIR based on the emission of a perfect blackbody at the same temperature.

  • Broadband
  • Highest intensity and color temperature
  • VIS-NIR and IR versions available
  • Removable fiber coupler
  • Mechanical attenuator

pdf description of the ArcLight lamps

Integrating sphere with internal illumination

The ARCoptix ARCSPHERE is an integrating sphere featuring an internal source for diffuse reflectance in the VIS-NIR or MIR range. The highly reflective sphere has a diameter of 50mm, a sample port of 10mm with a sapphire window in its NIR configuration and a BaF2 in the MIR version. The internal volume of the sphere is cleaned by a desiccant, allowing to significantly reduce the contribution from water vapor and CO2 on the measurement.


Sphere internal diameter 50mm
Sampling port diameter 10mm
Sample port window Sapphire BaF2
Optical connection Fibered - SMA905 Direct input to ARCoptix FTIR
Light emitting element QTH Bulb SiC globar
Source power (electrical) 5W 20W
Source temperature

~2'700 [K]

~1'550 [K]

Rated lifetime 4'000 hours 10'000 hours
Power consumption 10W @7-12 VDC 30W @7-12 VDC
External dimensions 70x70x90 [mm] 93x93x130 [mm]
Weight 900 [g] 1'300 [g]

Data sheet - ARCSPHERE-NIR

Data sheet - ARCSPHERE-MIR

Application note - ARCSPHERE-NIR

Application note - ARCSPHERE-MIR

Portable FTNIR measurement kit in a rugged, autonomous backpack

The ARCoptix FTNIR-PORT is the ideal platform for measuring diffuse reflectance (DR) in the field. Battery operated, it features a light source, spectrometer, fibered reflection probe as well as an active cooling system with dust filters for robustness and long lasting operation. The entire data acquisition and processing is performed on the fly, and can be conveniently operated from a dedicated handheld measuring head. Easy data traceability is ensured thanks to the addition of metadata (GPS coordinates). The fibered probe is mechanically resistant owing to its stainless steel protective sleeve and contact ferrule. The casing can be easily opened to access the battery in order to swap it or recharge it.


Product code FTNIR-PORT
Instrument FTNIR-L1-025-2TE (OEM version)
Light source ARCLIGHT-NIR (OEM version)
Battery autonomy 3h
Fibered probe 6x low-OH, 600 μm core diameter silica fibers, stainless steel protection sleeve
Measuring head Handheld, acquisition trigger, contact ferrule
Backpack dimensions 450x320x170 [mm]
Total weight 4.5 [kg]
Software interface Embedded with GPS coordinates and personalized file saving system
Cooling system Active (air flow) with dust filters

Data sheet - FTNIR-PORT

Common path in/out module for the OEM010 product line

Common path module operating principle

Common path module mounted on the OEM010

The ARCoptix common path (OEM-PART-CMP) module is an input/output accessory that can be mounted on our OEM010 series. The common path module features a beamsplitter that allows to guide the modulated beam output by the instrument and the light returning from the sample along the same optical path. This accessory coupled to our parabolic reflector for diffuse measurement (OEM-PART-DRP) offers a high-throughput, free-space solution for measuring diffuse and specular reflection in the MID-IR over a broad spectral range, without being limited to the transparency regions of CIR and PIR optical fiber.

ARCoptix FTIR OEM010 module mounted with the OEM-PART-CMP and the OEM-PART-DRP for diffuse reflection measurement.

Illustration of the OEM-PART-DRP focusing power.


Internal Optics ZnSe beamsplitter Gold parabolic reflector
Output beam Collimated Focused
Working distance up to 1m 10mm (to focus from edge)

Data sheet - Common path module

MIR transmission cell for liquids

Assembly consisting of the FTIR-OEM010-120-4TE, OEM PART CMP and OEM PART-LCX

Close up view of the OEM PART LCX

The ARCoptix liquid cell module (OEM-PART-LCX) has been originally developed for application in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). However, the application range is much broader - it can be used as a standalone transmission cell for liquid or even high pressure gases. The OEM-PART-LCX is a high pressure, chemically and heat resistant cell for liquids spectroscopy. The cell has been tested to function up to 210 Bars and 180°C. The cell's body is made of L316 stainless steel (Hastelloy available on request). The optical path length can be set in the range 0.5mm-3.0mm. The wetted surfaces are: gold, sapphire (as a standard), stainless steel (or Hastelloy) and carbon. The choice of these materials makes it particularly suitable for spectroscopy in the transmission windows of organic solvents. The cell can be installed on a tubular extender, and thus it can be inserted inside a thermostat (for example directly next to an HPLC cell) avoiding the re-mixing of the separated mixtures. The spectral range is determined by the used detector of the FTIR and by the window of the cell (2-6μm)


Product code OEM-PART-LCX
Path length 0.5 to 3 mm (chosen and fixed)
Internal volume < 15 μL
Total transmission <90% (with air inside)
Internal temperature 20-180 [°C]
Mirrors gold coating
Window material Sapphire
Transmission range 2-6μm
Liquid inlet/outlet Waters compatible fitting with 1/16” capillaries
Power requirement 35W @110-230 VAC or 12 VDC
Dimensions 73x25Ømm (without extender)

Data sheet - MIR Liquid cell

Optical fibers and fibered probes

Optical fibers are a common building block of many optical systems. Low-OH fused silica multimode fibers are available for operation in the near-infrared. In the mid-infrared, we offer either IFG fibers or polycrystalline fibers depending on the spectral range of interest. Our fibers are terminated with SMA905 connectors and are protected by a polymer jacket. Other connector types, protection jacket or lengths are available on request.

Fibered reflection probes are common accessories to measure specular or diffuse reflection in FT-IR systems. They are especially well suited for applications requiring a lot of flexibility. We offer fibered probes of three different kinds, depending on the fiber constituting glass, each targeting a specific spectral range. Light is brought to the sample via a peripheral fiber bundle which helps in achieving homogeneous illumination, and is collected by single, central fiber.


Fiber category NIR IFG PIR
Fiber material Low-OH fused silica Indium Fluoride Polycrystalline
Spectral range [νm] 0.4-2.5 2.0-5.5 4.0-16.0
Spectral range [cm-1] 4'000-25'000 1'800-5'000 650-2'500
Refractive index 1.44 1.5 2.15
NA 0.22 0.3 0.25
Connectors 0.22

Patch cords specifics

Product code FIB-NIR-600-100 FIB-IFG-600-100 FIB-PIR-900-100
Core diameter 600 μm 600 μm 900 μm
Operating temperature (max) 125 °C 100 °C 140 °C
Bending radius (min) 100 mm 140 mm
Default length 1 m

Fibered probe specifics

Product code R7-NIR-600-200F R2-IFG-500-150F R7-PIR-900-150F
Illuminating bundle 6x 600 μm fibers 2x 500 μm fibers 7x 400 μm fibers
Reading fiber 1x 600 μm fiber 1x 500 μm fiber 1x 900 μm fiber
Probe ferrule Stainless steel, Ø1/8” (3.175x74 mm) Stainless steel, Ø1/4” (6.35x74 mm)
Total length 2m 1.5m

Data sheet - Optical fibers

Data sheet - Fibered probes