Our FT-NIR Rocket fibered Fourier-transform spectrometer is a great instrument for mineral identification and exploration. The Arcoptix FT-NIR will measure in the SWIR1 and SWIR2 region (900 to 2600nm) with a spectral resolution well below 1nm.
Thanks to its working principle the FT-NIR produces measurement that are more precise in wavelength (fix calibration laser inside the system), with higher resolution and cleaner spectra (no fix noise) than competing grating spectrometers on the market (for example terraspec). Thanks to its high Signal to noise ratio the FT-NIR is able to measure difficult to measure samples like low reflecting and low concetration minerals.
- High Resolution (5x better than any other product on the market);
- Clean and high quality Spectrum (fourier transform spectrometer class)
- Full SWIR1 and SWIR2 range in one device(no spectral stiching)
- High quality spectrum within 10 Seconds measurements (in most cases)
- Capable to measure low reflection samples
- Files compatible with TSG and other
- Very competitive pricing (ask a quote)
The spectral data that is aquired with the FT-NIR can be exported in different format and imported with your favorite analysing software such as the The spectral geologist (TSG) for example.
Note that the spectrometer and light source will run on 12V DC, so they can powered with a portable or car battery instead of an AC/DC converter. You can bring this spectrometer onto the field!
Arcoptix offers different measurment tools (the examples shown here is not exfaustive and other configurations are possible). For diffuse reflectance, the most appreciated accessories are the Arcsphere-50-Hal and the fibred reflection probe. The Arcsphere-50-Halwhich is an internally illuminated integration sphere (it has a light bulb inside) with a 10mm diameter measurement port. It connects to the FT-NIR Rocket using an optical fiber.

Figure 1 - (SWIR) FT-NIR Rocket 0.9-2.6 microns with the internally illuminated integrating sphere Arcsphere-50-Hal
The fibered direct reflection probe is also very popular among geologist. It permits to aim directly on the desired sample spot with the fiber probe (3mm distance) and to collect the strait backscatterd light back into the central fiber of the probe. The collected light is redirected via this central fiber to the spectrometer for spectral analysis. This method offer generally less reproductible and accurate measurements than with the integration sphere but it is more handy for many situations.
Direct fibered reflection Probe. Measured spot size depnds of probe distance. Hold manually or on a stand.
- Mining Production and Mineral Processing .
- Mineral explorationand identification
- Petroleum Exploration
- Clay species delineation
- Drill cutting analysis
- Determining geochemical gradients
- Core logging
Below are a few examples of spectra collected in 10 seconds with the above describes system, to give an idea on the signal to noise ratio and resolution you can obtain with the Arcoptix spectrometer.

Figure 3 - Reflectivity of rocks - examples