ARCoptix OEM FT-IR module

Robust, compact and reliable OEM FT-IR module optimized for system integration

The ARCoptix OEM FT-IR module is the ideal product for system integrators (or labaoratories) looking for a customized FTIR measurement design. The OEM module exists in two configurations:

  • Fully integrated OEM module (OEM010) with integrated light source and detector.
  • Flexible OEM module (OEM011) with external detector module.



The ARCoptix OEM010 is our most compact FT-IR complete system. It features a built-in SiC globar heated to 1550 °K and regulated in temperature to ensure stable illumination. The light output by the instrument is first modulated by our permanently aligned interferometer, making it robust against stray light that might eventually reach the detector. The OEM010 rugged casing also holds a highly sensitive TE-MCT detector which maximizes the response of the system. Built from the same components, the OEM011 displays identical performances as the OEM010 while providing with an added degree of freedom thanks to its separate detector module.

  • All-in-one FT-IR or flexible confiuration
  • Compact and rugged
  • High resolution of 2 cm-1 (optionally up to 0.5 cm-1)
  • Easily connected to IR fiber systems
  • 3 possible TE-cooled MCT detector ranges:5000-1700cm-1 (2-6μm), 6700-1200cm-1 (1.5 - 8.5μm) or 5000-830 cm-1 (2-12μm)
  • USB or Ethernet connection
  • Cost effective

How does it work?

Permanentely aligned interferometer

The heart of the FT-Rocket is dual corner-cube (retro-reflector) interferometer. The two corner-cubes are fixed to a common swinging arm, which rotates to create an optical path difference (with respect to the beam splitter) in the two arms of the interferometer.
This type of design is called a permanently aligned interferometer. This particular arrangement of the interfeormeter is known to be the most robust against vibrations and temperature drifts. It never has to be realigned.

The swinging arm of the interferometer rotates on wear-free flexure system, making this mechanical system extremely robust and durable.

Solid-state reference laser

For measuring the movement of the mirrors, a solid-state reference laser is coupled into the interferometer. Compared to classic HeNe lasers, the solid-state lasers that we use are more compact and have a much longer life-time. They have a very low temperature-induced wavelegnth drift and, when kept at constant temperature with a Peltier element, their wavelength can be stabilized to a few PPM, thus providing a very accurate and reproducible wavelength scale. This is crucial for ensuring a day-to-day and unit-to-unit consistency..

FTIR-OEM010/OEM011 model-dependent specifications

Product code




Beam-spliter material



Spectral range [cm-1]

5'000 - 1'660

5'000 - 1'200

5'000 - 830

Spectral range [μm]




D* [cm Hz½W-1μm]




Signal-to-Noise (4cm-1 resolution, 1 min scan time)

> 80'000:1

> 40'000:1


Common specifications

Detector type

4 stage TE cooled MCT detector

Interferometer type

Permanently aligned, double retro-reflector design

Resolution [cm-1 ]

8, 4, 2, optionally 1 and 0.5

Wavenumber repetability


Scan frequency

>4 Hz @ 4cm-1

Control laser

solid-state laser @850nm

A/D Converter

24 bit

Operating temperature


Free-space input

Aperture Ø: 12.7mm
Acceptance full angle: 3.2°

Removable fiber-couplers

Connector: SMA 905
Fiber core Ø: up to 1mm
NA=0.25 (lensed coupler) or NA=0.3 (reflective coupler)

Power requirement

12V / 40W

Communication Interface

USB / Ethernet with embedded processing

Software Interface

Windows 7/10/11
API for controlling the instrument via our DLL


180mm x 160mm x 80mm


1800 g

Industrial application: example

Short-path, high pressure, high temperature flow cell

A typical example of industrial application based on the OEM010 is shown here below. This customer driven configuration features a short path flow cell, designed to withstand high pressure (> 100 bar) fluids while placed in a high temperature environment. The modulated light emitted by the OEM010 is efficiently coupled to the cell thanks to a homemade accessory that enables a common-path configuration.

Digital Acquisition Acquisition system: AoDAQ

The AoDAQ is a multi-threading, cross-platform and versatile software that simultaneously takes care of:

  • (1) Handling communication with the FT-IR via USB
  • (2) Processing raw signals to deliver the spectrum
  • (3) Running a TCP ethernet server

The AoDAQ can be installed on all sorts of computers, from desktop machines to embedded, low-power single board computers. Thanks to the hosting of a TCP server, the instrument data and parameters can be accessed locally and/or remotely. All communication with the instrument eventually reduces to a set of TCP/IP commands that allow to quickly acquire data, adjust parameters, monitor the instrument status etc. using the programming environment of your choice.

Free GUI basic software

The FTIR Rocket is delivered with a free Windows 7 & Windows 10 compatible graphical user interface (GUI) program.

The free basic software package allows the user to:

  • Configure hardware measurement parameters (amplifier gain, averaging, ...).
  • Display real-time spectral measurement results.
  • Set reference spectra (white, dark) and choose among raw spectra, transmission or reflection mode.
  • Usual features such as save, open, zoom, rescale...
  • Some specific features related to Fourier transform spectrometry: choose among spectrum or interferogram averaging, apodization, look and save the interferograms, etc.

Free API & Examples

The FTIR Rocket is also delivered with a free API that allows you to control the spectrometer with custom code via our DLLs. Examples are available for the following languages:

  • C++
  • C#
  • Labview
  • Matlab

Advanced data processing & analysis software

In collaboration with Labcognition GmbH in Germany we also offer additional Panorama software packages:

Math Add-on module

contains a set of standard manipulation operations used in spectroscopy, like normalization, derivative, baseline correction, peak picking and more. In addition some special operations are available, like multiplicative scatter correction, thickness correction or standard normal variate correction and others.

Quantity Add-on module

is an expert in multivariate data analysis with quantitative methods like PLS and MLR. A convenient and intuitive wizard guides you through all steps of calibration model development. Complex statistical methods become very easy to use even for non-experienced users.

Search Add-on module

is an ideal add-on to archive your spectroscopic data and related information. It includes spectrum and full text search functionality on spectral libraries of various different library formats or directly on data in the file system.

IRAnalyze software package

is a highly sophisticated IR spectrum interpretation tool. Based on an IR spectrum, it provides you with automatic results for IR bands to functional group correlations and their characteristic frequencies. Furthermore, it is a comprehensive electronic dictionary to browse frequiencies for correlated IR bands.



Optical fibers

ARCoptix offers two types of optical fibers for the mid-infrared:

  • Chalcogenide-IR (IFG) fibers transmit IR-radiation in the spectral range of 2-5.5μm (1600 - 5000cm-1). IFG fibers have an NA of 0.3 and are available with core diameters of 500 µm. These fibers ideally match the range of our spectrometers using 2-6 µm MCT detectors.
  • polycrystalline infrared (PIR) fibers transmit IR-radiation in the spectral range of 4-18μm. PIR fibers have an NA of 0.25 and are available with core diameters of 900 µm. These fibers ideally match the range of our spectrometers using 2-12 µm MCT detectors.

Description of NIR/IFG/PIR optical fibers

Bk7/CaF2 fiber coupler/collimator

Lens-based coupler provides a cost-effective solution for fiber coupling& collimation. Bk7 couplers are fine for the NIR range and up to 4 µm. CaF2 couplers are a good solution for the NIR and and MIR up to 8 microns. Standard fiber connectors are SMA-905, but FC/PC connectors or other types are available on request


Reflective fiber coupler/collimator

Reflective couplers/collimators are needed for the upper MIR range above 8 microns. These couplers use an off-axis parabolic mirror for optimal coupling performance throughout NIR & MIR. Standard fiber connectors are SMA-905, but FC/PC connectors or other types are available on request.