Frequently Asked Questions
Is the software included with the purchase of a spectrometer?
Yes, Arcoptix provides the software required to drive the instrument, set experimental parameters and acquire data.
Can I perform chemometrics or library searching using the Arcoptix software ?
No, the software provided by Arcoptix only handles tasks and settings related to data acquisition. Functionalities include setting a baseline (to measure absorbance or transmittance), defining a dark reference (constant offset to be removed from subsequent measurements), apodizing the interferogram with various functions as well as saving and consulting data. However no chemometrics routines or analysis algorithms are included in our software.
Can I run the Arcoptix software on any computer ?
Yes and no, while no strict hardware specifications are defined, Arcoptix recommends using a modern computer (laptop or desktop) with mid-end to high-end computational power. Arcoptix FTIRs use a 24 bits ADC that acquire samples at 128 kHz. This generates significant data flow which in turn requires sufficient processing power in order for the software to produce spectra continuously. Having a powerful enough computer also ensures freeing enough resources to be able to perform other tasks in parallel while running the Arcoptix software.
Is there a SDK with the OEM devices
Yes. You will get a complete packet of software and documentation and also examples written in c#, phyton, c++, matlab. That permits you to start to write your own software in combination with the arcoptix spectrometer
How does the SDK works?
The arcoptix software platform is based on a Server client architecture. A server (an executable that is running in the background) that is in communication with the spectrometer fetches consently the raw data from the spectrometer and tranform it into spectra. A client excutable (that will be developped by the user) that is in communication with the server (via TCP communication) will reguarly ask for these data (and eventual other parameters). The client can than use thes spectral data for extracting for example concentrations of the substances present in the measured sample.
Is the software compatible with Linux?
Yes the server can run on a linux computer (ycto)
Is the software compatible with Mac OS?
No, in prinple we do not support Mac OS
Do I have access to the interferogram?
Yes and No. You may have access to the interferogram of the last scan but you do not have acces ot the previous scans. So you will for example not have access to interferogram incase of an averages measurement
Do I have acces to the spectrometer parameters?
Yes thare are many parameters that can be read or set.
Can I reset the device by software?
Yes to a certain extend the spectrometer can be reset and the parameters can be reinistialized. Although the communication between the server and the spectrometer must be still operational.
Can I install Arcoptix software on any OS ?
No, the software provided by Arcoptix will only work fully on Windows (7/10/11). The software can also be installed on a Linux system but without a graphical user interface (GUI), which makes it less user-friendly. Please contact Arcoptix directly for more information.
Can I integrate the spectrometer control and data acquistion to my own software/routine? Can Arcoptix provide support ?
Yes, Arcoptix offers several software development kits (SDK) and examples that can help you integrating the functionalities of your Arcoptix FTIR in your software. For such requests, please contact Arcoptix directly.
Can I modify the resolution of the device by software?
yes the resolution can be set to 2,4 and 8 cm-1 for the standard models. For high resolution model it can be additionnally set to 0.5 and 1 cm-1
What resolution should I use for my application? Should I just use the best resolution at all time to improve my results ?
In FTIR, resolution is traded-off with two other experimental metrics that are acquisition time and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Increasing resolution, meaning reducing the resolution parameter number, will result in longer acquisition time, and poorer SNR. In general, it is recommended to work at the "worst" possible resolution, that is the limit resolution that allows to distinguish the features of the sample or substance that you are characterizing. Liquids and solids present broader features than gases or gas mixtures and can generally be probed with standard resolution instruments (down to 2cm-1). Gas analysis or light sources characterization (typically lasers) usually benefit from a sharper resolution of 0.5cm-1.
I noticed that Arcoptix offers the option to use a resolution of 0.5cm-1. Is this available with all instruments ?
No, the 0.5cm-1 resolution option requires a different alignment of the interferometer module compared to standard resolution instruments. This implies that high resolution instruments can only operate at 0.5cm-1 and 1cm-1while standard resolution units can work at 2cm-1, 4cm-1 or 8cm-1.
What is the equivalent wavelength resolution of my FTIR?
Owing to its operating principle, a FTIR delivers a spectrum uniformly sampled over a given spectral range in wavenumbers (ν), with units of cm-1. The wavenumber is simply defined as the inverse of the wavelength (λ). The resolution of an FT-IR is constant in wavenumber (Δv), but varies with wavelength (Δ λ) due to the inverse relationship between these two units. The equivalence is given by the following rule: Δλ = Δv/v2.
What is the acquisition rate of the Arcoptix FTIR?
The acquisition rate changes with resolution and is slightly different for standard resolution (SR) and high resolution (SR) instruments. SR units have a scanning rate of ~5Hz at 4cm-1 while HR instruments have a scanning rate of ~1Hz at 0.5cm-1. For both configurations, the scanning rate is inversely proportional to the resolution.
What is the power emitted by the ARCLIGHT-MIR/NIR ?
The Arcoptix ARCLIGHTs behave to a good approximation as blackbodies with a temperature of ~2'850K for the NIR version and ~1450K for the MIR version. The total emitted power is about 350mW for the ARCLIGHT-NIR and 180mW for the ARCLIGHT-MIR.
What is the different between a DLADTGS detector and a MCT detector?
DLADTGS Works on the pyroelectric effect. When exposed to infrared radiation, its temperature changes, leading to a change in polarization within the crystal. MCT is photoconductive detector (bandgap). MCT detectors are much more sensitive (more than 10x) and DLADTGS has a broader spectral range (up to 18-20 um considering also the beamsplitter). MCT detectors needs to be TE cooled and DLADTGS does not need to be cooled.
How much a liquid nitrogen cooled detector is better than a thermoelectrically cooled system?
The LN cooled system has rougly a 10x better SNR than the TE cooled systems.
Why FTIR- NIR spectrometers are superior to Dispersive grating spectrometers?
"Grating spectrometers are based a a narrow slit where the light needs to go through (limiting the quantity of light) and also are often based on detector (pixel) arrays. SInce every pixel has a different behaviour and also a different dark noise, this induces additionnal errors and noise in the the measured spectrum. FTIR have also the so called throughput and multiplexe advantage (see on internet for more information). FTIR-NIR spectrometers are generally superior to dispersive grating spectrometers due to their higher light throughput, better signal-to-noise ratio, higher spectral resolution, and broader wavelength coverage. These advantages make FTIR-NIR spectrometers the preferred choice in many applications, particularly where high sensitivity, and accuracy are required. On the other hand the grating soectrometers that are combined with a pixel array can measure faster (because no scanning are needed) and are more robust to fibrations."
What are the advantages of the Arcoptix FTIR s
Arcoptix is specialized on compact and robust modular FTIRs that can easily be integrated within a system or any optical setup. Also our devices are well suited to work in combination with fiber optics. We ahve also a very interesting and GASEX modue for gas analysis. Our system work all with MCT detectors that are 10x better than usual DLADTGS detectors found in other FTIRs.
Some of Arcoptix FTIR feature a built-in light source. What are the pros and cons of selecting a model with a built-in light source ?
Having a built-in light source means that the instrument will emit light that has already been modulated by the interferometer. This makes the system more robust to stray light or background signals, as they will not be picked up as a measurable signal by the detector. Consequently only the built-in light source may be used and no external radiation source can be measured with instruments with such configuration.
Can I measure my pulsed laser source with an Arcoptix FTIR?
Yes, but some restrictions are to be observed. First, the optical power has to be limited in order to avoid damaging the detector irremediably. The average power must not exceed 25mW, and the peak power of pulses shorter than 1µs must not exceed 100W. Arcoptix recommends working with a set of fixed or variable attenuators in order to adjust the optical power to avoid saturation of the detector. Second, the repetition rate of the laser must exceed 25 kHz in order to avoid numerical artifacts (aliasing) in the measured spectrum. Please contact Arcoptix directly for more information.
Can lock-in detection be used in combination with FTIR spectroscopy?
In an ideal FTIR experiment, the light intensity variation should be solely due to the interferometer's path difference. However, if the light source is modulated for lock-in detection, this modulation is superimposed on the interferogram.

The Fourier Transform of this interferogram will result in a distorted spectrum that is hard to interpret. lock-in detection can theoretically be used in FT spectroscopy, it introduces challenges due to the convolution of the light intensity variation with the interferogram. These challenges require careful experimental design and signal processing to manage effectively.

Do I get directly Concentration of measured substances?
No. The spectrometer gives only the measured spectra. From these measurements the user must use a specific algorithm and calibration data to retrieve the substance concentrations present in the measured sample.
What are the advantages and drawbacks of a fiber system?
Fiber systems can be interesting when light needs to be brought to a difficult accessible place. Notice however that fiber absorb a lot of MIR light and whenever this can be reasonably avoided it should be avoided.
Does Arcoptix provide turn-key solution for dedicated application?
Arcoptix Manufactures and sell FTIR spectrometer, However we generally do not offer turn key solutions for dedicated applications. Mostly our client are the specialists of their own application and we give only support how to handle and install the FTIR. Any special request can be directly discussed with Arcoptix engineers.
How can I improve the SNR of my measurements?
Improving the SNR of your measurement is not so easy task and generally not possible. In principle the SNR are limited by the light source which is on many cases a black body (that is defined by its emetting temeprature) and cannot easily be increased. Arcoptix has a black body temeprature of 1500 K which is already on of the highest on the market. Then the SNR is limited by the detector. Arcoptix uses the best MCT detectors on the Market. Only the use of liquid nitrogen cooled detectro permits to increase the SNR by a factor 10 (btw we sell also systems with LN coolded detectors). Finally the size of the optics and the interferometer and the optics can be increased (arcoptix has a standard size of 12mm of diameter). Larger otics can be found on the market (typically 25mm). Larger otics permits more light to get through the system and finally increases the SNR.
Can I perform Diffuse relfection in the MIR?
Yes it is possible with our high sensitive MCT detectors to be able to make diffuse relfection measurement up to 6 um. Above 6um the Black body light source becomes to weak and the SNR decreases drastically. Arcopti offers sevral accessories to be used in combination with our FT-MIR spectrometer such as a gold coated MIR integration sphere, fibred reflection probes. or direct illumination measurement head.