GASEX MODULAR: Arcoptix FTIR GAS Spectrometer
Configurable gas analysis system
The ARCoptix GASEX MODULAR is a fully configurable solution for gas spectroscopy applications. Besides our GASEX OEM module, the system can offer a large variety of standard components and accessories as requested by the end user application. Typical examples of accessories are heated sample lines, single board computers (SBC) for on-board processing, membrane gas pumps and so on. The GASEX MODULAR is available in a 19" rackable chassis (4U) for smooth integration in a more complex system.

Rack 19" unit
The corrosion resistant gas cell can be heated up to 190 °C, which ensures that the sample remains in gaseous phase (and avoid condensation) even with high concentrations of H2O or corrosive gases. Many gases can be measured simultaneously such as CO2, H2O, CO, NH3,NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CH4, HF, HCl, and VOC´s. Limits of detection are typically below 1ppm and absolute precision of measured concentration is around a few percent (depending also of the quality of the calibrations and measurement conditions).
The Modular system includes in general a Pump that sucks the gas (to be analyzed) into the gas cell. It also contains different sensors like thermometer, a flow meter and pressure meter. The flow path some secondary filters are installed to remove eventual residual particles present. The system contain the necessary elctronics to control the pump, sensors and the heated cell.
- Optimized Gas cell and FTIR Assembly
- Rohdium Chemical resitance Coatings
- Resolution of 2 cm-1 (1 or 0.5 cm-1 on demand)
- MCT Detector with high detectivity TE-cooled MCT detector 5000-830 cm-1 (2-12μm)
- 5m heated gas cell with small volume (0.2L). Optionally 20cm short path Gas cell.
- Relatively compact (compared to other products on the market)
- USB connectivity and SDK available
- Cost effective