Thanks to its close collaboration with the institute of microtechnics (IMT) of the university of Neuchatel Arcoptix disposes of efficient Micro-fabrication technologies like photolithography, resist processing, and reactive ion etching (RIE). This equipment is mainly used to manufacture refractive and diffractive micro-optical elements, birefringent optics (liquid crystal devices) and sub-wavelength structures.
Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) is the art of silicon micro-machining.
It include a vast variety of devices. After MEMS components have been built and used as sensors for chemical and physical signals, pumps, motors, and much more, the integration of optics, or the use of MEMS in combination with optical signals is considerably growing.
MEMS technology is compatible with integrated circuit technology and therefore allow batch processing. It can be produced in large quantity at low cost. This makes MEMS highly attractive for commercial applications.
ARCspectro broad expertise in micro-systems includes the integration of optical functionalities with MEMS in order to achieve high-end optical systems and sensors.
For more information contact an ARCoptix engineer:
ARCoptix disposes of standard liquid crystal fabrication facilities such as : rubbing machine, polyimide coating, spacer dispensing machine,... This equipment permits to fabricate special cells dedicated to research laboratories that are usually not fabricated by the LC mass production industry. For example LC gratings, lenses, phase shifter, Polarization rotator (for demanding optical applications), radial Polarization converter,...
Thanks to our partners we can also offer small series (few hunderd pieces) of active (or passive) LC devices with custom designed electrodes. These devices are manufactured on an industrial production line are highly reproducible and robust.
ARCoptix has developed a special molding technology that permits us to produce custom exotic highly birefringent elements such as microlens arrays (see picture), prisms or gratings. Here the liquid crystal is polymerized and it becomes a solid birefringent plastic having the form of its container.
For more information contact an ARCoptix engineer: